Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Adventures take due (thats two!)

So, if i am not mistaken i left off my previous adventure blog with Venice; and i'm not, i checked :) so after Venice we left for Vicenza, which is the city of Andrea Palladio. Palladio is a man whom basically revolutionized architecture. he was very mathematical. worked in proportions and with harmony. he actually worked with music and harmony to form proportions for his buildings. the man was a genius. well, the city of Vicenza just so happens to have atleast 20 of his buildings. they love him there. hes got statues, piazzas, streets, numerous cafes and bars named after him. one night we were actually playing soccer in one of the piazzas with one of his buildings on it and the cops came by and told us to leave. we asked why. it wasnt the noise, or the wine bottles, they simply responded with, "Palladio...." it was quite entertaining. but any whooo... we got to visit the Villa Rotunda, which is him most famous building (seen above). regardless of it not being open one of our professors pulled some strings and we got in anyhow.

next we ended up spending the day in Verona. we got to see some really cool architecture and piazzas, along with the infamous balcony of shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. we also got to visit a bank by Carlos Scarpa, which was very very cool. as an architect scarpa designs every little aspect and detail of his buildings. its incredible the work he does.

after verona we headed to Milan. we then took a day trip to Como, which unfortunately was quite miserable. it was raining and sleeting all day. we were unable to see the lake or any of the mountains, so it was kind of a bust. we did however get to see some very cool architecture.

Milan was also very wet for the first day, but we were able to still see the gothic style duomo they have there. and we also got to see da Vinci's The Last Supper which was very very cool. The next day was a lot nicer. as a class we were able to go and get a mini tour of a Renzo Piano building (which just so happen to have an aston martin dealership in it). then we got to spend our last few hours in Milan doing what everyone does in Milan, shopping! overall i would have to say it was a pretty awesome trip :)

and once i get the rest of my pictures on my computer i will make sure to get some of them up on here

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